PayForm & AccountForm Integrations


Here you can learn how to create Account Vaults and Transactions using our AccountForm and PayForm widgets, which will keep you out of scope for PCI as the form code is being generated and hosted by us, another key part of staying out of scope for PCI Compliance.

The PayForm widget can be used for running sale, authonly, or refund transactions. Any void, authincrement, or authcomplete transactions are done as PUT transactions using the id returned from the /v2/payform endpoint. PUT transactions do not require account_number and exp_date fields to be submitted, therefore need to be done on the /v2/transactions endpoint. 

Whether you are attempting to use Payform or Accountform, the process for generating either form is very similar.

  1. Prepare a data variable as a JSON string.
  2. Hex the data variable and use with hash-key, developer-id, user-id, and timestamp to create the URL to retrieve the form.
  3. The URL can be used as an iframe source to embed within another application, or can be accessed directly. 
    1. The URL will return an HTML form with the necessary fields to gather the appropriate information.
      Note: The client software from the ISV will be either an installed application or a website loading an iFrame/payment form.
  4. The user will then complete and submit the form back to the server for processing.
  5. Depending on additional parameters that the developer can supply, the iframe may close the window it appears in automatically or redirect to another URL.

Important Security Note

Paya recommends enabling security factoring of some kind to prevent malicious activity.  While the below-listed methods are not an exhaustive list, they are the most common: 

  • Require login access (username/password)
  • Tokenize URL that hosts access to the hosted form
  • Utilize IP Address velocity detection

1. Preparing data for the request

Below you will see examples of a data JSON object for both AccountForm and PayForm.  These requests are for demonstrative purposes only and there are additional fields that can be provided that are outline below.

// For Credit Card Transactions //
        // Required fields
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "action": "sale",
        "transaction_amount": "13.00",
        "product_transaction_id": "1111111111111111",
        // Optional fields for the transactions endpoint
        "location_id": "1111111111111111111111111",
        "transaction_api_id": "111111111111111111111111",
        "billing_street": "43155 novi",
        "billing_zip": "12342",
        "tip_amount": "12",
        "surcharge_amount": "0",
        "order_num": "1234567890",
        "contact_id": "222222222222222",
        // Optional field for controling iframe behavior
        "stylesheet_url": "{full URL - i.e.}",
        "parent_close": true,
        "parent_close_delay": 5,
        "display_close_button": false,
        "require_zip": 1,
        "require_street": 1,
        "show_street": 1,
        "show_zip": 1

// For ACH transactions //
        // Required fields
        "payment_method": "ach",
        "action": "debit",
        "transaction_amount": "13.00",
        "ach_sec_code": "WEB",
        "product_transaction_id": "1111111111111111",
        // Optional fields for the transactions endpoint
        "location_id": "1111111111111111111111111",
        "transaction_api_id": "111111111111111111111111",
        "billing_street": "43155 novi",
        "billing_zip": "12342",
        "tip_amount": "12",
        "surcharge_amount": "0",
        "order_num": "1234567890",
        "contact_id": "222222222222222",
        // Optional field for controling iframe behavior
        "stylesheet_url": "{full URL - i.e.}", //Recomended for ACH
        "parent_close": true,
        "parent_close_delay": 5,
        "display_close_button": false,
        "require_zip": 1,
        "require_street": 1,
        "show_street": 1,
        "show_zip": 1


IMPORTANT: If you are using "payment_method": "ach" you must provide a product_transaction_id for a Service that supports ACH transactions and include the corresponding ach_sec_code.

Processing for Canadian Merchants:

Required fields to submit Payform field name "Locale" value "en_CA" to indicate "English Canada" in order to enable Canadian-specific labels. Example: "locale": "en_CA". You will also need to required billing state to reference the providence. Example: "billing_state": "[providence name]"


Optional Fields

Any field from the Transactions endpoint can be passed in the JSON above for use with the Transaction that will be created when the PayForm is submitted.  For example, "save_account": 1 can be added so that an Account Vault is created with the payment information provided for the transaction. 

In addition to the fields that can be supplied in the Transactions endpoint, the following can be supplied to control the final outcome of the PayForm:

Field Name Type Max Length Description
parent_close boolean   If set as true, it will close the payment form after transaction is made.
parent_close_delay integer   defaults to 10 sec, only if parent_close=true. Can be sent in the data with different delay timing.
display_close_button boolean   By default this field is set to true. If you don’t want to display the “close” button, submit it as false in the data.
entry_method string 8

The option to send for method for processing transaction. This field is optional but if supplied must be "manual", "terminal", or "both" The field will default based on the Product Transaction ID being used.

Ecommerce, Moto = default "entry_method": "manual"

Retail, Hotel/Lodging, Food/Resturant = default "entry_method": "both"

show_account_holder_name boolean true/false or 1/0 By default it is true, can be set to false in data for not displaying “Account Holder Name” in Account Storage Form widget.
show_street boolean true/false or 1/0 This field is set to true if product transaction has vt_show_street set to true.
show_zip boolean true/false or 1/0 This field is set to true if product transaction has vt_show_zip set to true.
require_street boolean true/false or 1/0 This field is set to true if product transaction has vt_require_street set to true.
require_zip boolean true/false or 1/0 This field is set to true if product transaction has vt_require_zip set to true.
show_cvv boolean true/false or 1/0 By default it is true, can be set it to false in the data.
show_second_account_number boolean true/false or 1/0 Presents a second account number field that makes the account holder enter their account number twice and confirm that the information entered is matching.
stylesheet_url string 256 API loads the default one, can be overridden with the file that is sent in the data. Should be full url, ie.
redirect_url_on_approval string 256 The page a user will get redirected to upon approval of the transaction. Should be a full URL, ie.
redirect_url_on_decline string 256 The page a user will get redirected to upon decline of the transaction. Should be a full URL, ie.
redirect_url_delay integer   The amount of time in seconds to wait before redirecting to either redirect_url_on_approval or redirect_url_on_decline.
parent_send_message boolean true/false or 1/0 When set to 1or true, this will allow for the JSON response from the form submission to be posted back to the parent window containing the iframe. For more info see Using postMessage.
Overriding the styles for PayForm

WIthin the optional fields described above you will notice there is a stylesheet_url.  This field can be used to include your own stylesheet to override the default styles already included on the page.  You can use the following link to download the latest default CSS for PayForm as a starting point for your custom stylesheet:

Once you have prepared your custom CSS and made it available on a public URL you can include it in your PayForm request as illustrated below:

        // Required fields
        "payment_method": "{cc or ach}",
        "action": "sale",
        "transaction_amount": "13.00",
        // Optional field for controling iframe behavior
        "stylesheet_url": "{full URL - i.e.}",
        [...] // Other Optional Fields
    "accountvault": {
        // Required fields
        "payment_method": "{cc or ach}", 
        "location_id": "1111111111111111111111111",
        "account_vault_api_id": "1111111111111111111111111",
        // Optional fields for accountvaults endpoint 
        "contact_id": "1111111111111111111111111",
        "title": "Account_vault",
        "account_holder_name": "john smith",
        // Optional Fields used to control iframe behavior
        "show_account_holder_name": true,
        "show_street": true,
        "show_zip": true,
        "stylesheet_url": "{full URL - i.e.}",
        // Optional Fields used to control iframe after completion
        "display_close_button": true,
        "parent_close": true,
        "parent_close_delay": 3,
        "parent_origin": null,
        "redirect_url_on_approval": "",
        "redirect_url_delay": 10

Processing for Canadian Merchants:

Required fields to submit AccountForm field name "Locale" value "en_CA" to indicate "English Canada" in order to enable Canadian-specific labels. Example: "locale": "en_CA". You will also need to required billing state to reference the providence. Example: "billing_state": "[providence name]"


Optional Fields

Any field from the Account Vaults endpoint can be passed in the JSON above for use in the Account Vault creation.

In addition to the fields that can be supplied from the Account Vaults endpoint, the following can be supplied to control the final outcome of the AccountForm:

Field Name Type Max Length Description
parent_close boolean   If set to true, the Account Form will close automatically when the account vault is stored.
parent_close_delay integer   If parent_close is set to true, then this is the delay for how long to wait before closing the Account Form.
display_close_button boolean   By default this field is set to true. If you don’t want to display the “close” button, submit it as false in the data.
entry_method string 8

The option to send for method of storing card. This field is optional, but if supplied must be one of "manual", "terminal", or "both".

show_title boolean   By default is set to true, can be set to false in data for not displaying “title” in Account Form.
show_account_holder_name boolean   By default it is true, can be set to false in data for not displaying “Account Holder Name” in Account Storage Form widget.
show_street boolean   This field is set to true if product transaction has vt_show_street set to true.
show_zip boolean   This field is set to true if product transaction has vt_show_zip set to true.
stylesheet_url string 256 Set this to a valid URL that contains a stylesheet in order to override the default styles on the Account Form. Should be full url, ie.
redirect_url_on_approval string 256 The page a user will get redirected to upon successful storage of Account Vault.
redirect_url_delay integer   The amount of time in seconds to wait before redirecting to redirect_url_on_approval.
parent_send_message boolean   When set to 1, this will allow for the JSON response from the form submission to be posted back to the parent window containing the iframe. For more info see Using postMessage.
Overriding the styles for AccountForm

WIthin the optional fields described above you will notice there is a stylesheet_url.  This field can be used to include your own stylesheet to override the default styles already included on the page.  You can use the following link to download the latest default CSS for AccountForm as a starting point for your custom stylesheet:

Once you have prepared your custom CSS and made it available on a public URL you can include it in your AccountForm request as illustrated below:

    "accountvault": {
        // Required fields
        "payment_method": "{cc or ach}", 
        "location_id": "1111111111111111111111111",
        "account_vault_api_id": "1111111111111111111111111",
        // Optional Fields used to control iframe behavior
        "stylesheet_url": "{full URL - i.e.}",
        [...] // Other optional fields


2. Build the URL to retrieve the form

In the following code example you will see the steps necessary to generate the URL that can be used for retrieving the desired form.

  1. Generate the secure hash.
  2. Convert the data to hex.
  3. Build the URL to retrieve the form.

Required Parameters

There are 5 required parameters for making the request. The following table describes those parameters as well as where they can be passed:

Parameter Header URL Description
user-id The user-id 
timestamp The current time when the page has been generated. It has an expiry period of 5 minutes.
hash-key This is the hash key provided by the API that is used to generate the signature hash. This key is secret and should not be shared with anyone.
developer-id The developer-id is something that should be hard coded into your software. This is only for you to use and should be embedded in your software so that you shouldn't have to openly provide it to merchants/customers.

 This should be hexed to prevent users from altering the data that is intended to be transmitted.


HMAC Authentication

The user-id and timestamp which are passed in the request to the API, will generate another HMAC using user’s user_hash_key. This will check against what was submitted in the hash-key parameter. If they don’t match, you will see a validation message as “Hash key is invalid”

There are 3 parameters that are required to generate a signature hash.

  • User ID: Provided when a User is setup
  • Timestamp: The current time when the page has been generated. it has an expire period of 5 minutes
  • User Hash Key: This is the users hash key provided that is used to generate the signature hash. This key is secret and should not be shared with anyone.

The hash is generated using the user id and timestamp, in that specific order. The generated HMAC will be good for 15 minutes. Here is sample code of how to generate the signature:

// [1] Generate the secure hash
$user_hash_key = 'my_user_hash_key'; // secret hash key used for hashing the variables
$user_id = 'my_user_id'; //  variables for generating the required hash
$timestamp = time(); // variables for generating the required hash
$salt = $user_id . $timestamp; //$user_id and $timestamp need to be in this order
$hash_key = hash_hmac('sha256', $salt, $user_hash_key);

// [2] Convert the data to hex
// In this example, data is for a transaction
$data = implode(unpack("H*", '{"transaction":{...}}'));

// [3] Build the URL to retreive the form
$domain = "";
$endpoint = "payform"; // could also be "accountform"
$url = sprintf("%s/v2/%s?developer-id=%s&hash-key=%s&user-id=%s&timestamp=%s&data=%s",
// Function needed to convert string to hex
function asctohex(asc) {
  var hex = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < asc.length; i++) {
    hex += ('0' + asc.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)).slice(-2);
  return hex;

// JS Object holding all of the required parameters
var params = {
    "developer-id": "{api_developer_id}",
    "hash-key": "",
    "user-id": "{my_user_id}",
    "timestamp": Math.floor((Math.floor( - (1*60000))/1000),
    "data": {
        "transaction": {
            "payment_method": "cc",
            "action": "sale",
            "transaction_amount": "12.00",
            "location_id": "{location_id}",
            "transaction_api_id": "{transaction_api_id}",
            "show_cvv": "1",
            "tax": "3"

// [1] Generate the secure hash
params['hash-key'] = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(params['user-id'] + params['timestamp'], "{my_user_hash_key}");

// [2] Convert the data to hex
params['data'] = asctohex(JSON.stringify(params['data']));

// [3] Build the URL to retreive the form
var url = "";// could also be "accountform"
Object.keys(params).forEach(function (key) {
    url += key + '=' + params[key] + '&';


3. Using the URL to retrieve the form

After following the steps outlined above, you should have a URL that can be used to embed the form into another website or application.  That URL should look similar to the following:

If you embed that iframe or attempt to access the URL directly, you should see something similar to the following images:

Sample Images

Sample Image


4. User completes and submits the form

When the user submits this form, the form data will then be submitted back to the API for processing.

5. Process is complete

Once the process is complete, the iframe may either automatically close the window it appears in or the user may be redirected to a different URL.  It is also possible to have the results from the form submission posted back to the parent window that the iframe was embedded within.  For more information about how to capture the response from the iframe submission, take a look at Using PostMessage.