Transactions Endpoint




The following table describes all of the available fields available for use on the Transactions Endpoint. You can use the tabs at the top of the table to reveal additional details about the fields including what Actions a field is applicable to, as well as whether a field is required (R), optional (O), conditional (C) or not required (N) for each of the Endpoint Actions.


Fields Format Min Max POST Required POST Allowed PUT Allowed Sale Refund Void PartialReversal AuthOnly AuthComplete AuthIncrement Force TipAdjust Debit Credit Edit Comments
account_holder_name string   32   O O O O O O O O N C C N

For CC, this is the "Name (as it appears) on Card". 
For ACH, this is the "Name on Account".

Required for ACH transactions if account_vault_id is not provided.

account_number string 4 19   C C N N C N N C N C C N For CC transactions, a credit card number.
For ACH transactions, a bank account number.
String lengths are conditional, CC should be 13-19 and ACH should be 4-19.
Required if account_vault_id , track_data, or micr_data is not provided.
account_type string 1 32                       C C  

Required for ACH transactions if account_vault_id is not provided.

For ACH, allowed values are “checking” or “savings”.
For CC, this field is read only. The system will identify card type and generate a value for this field automatically. possible values are: visa, mc, disc, amex, jcb, diners, and debit.

account_vault_api_id string   36                           This can be supplied in place of account_vault_id if you would like to use an account vault for the transaction and are using your own custom api_id's to track accountvaults in the system.
account_vault_id string   36     C C N N C N N C N C C N Required if account_number,  track_data, micr_data is not provided.
ach_identifier string 1 1                             Required for ACH transactions in certain scenarios
ach_sec_code string 3 3     N/A C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A C C N Required for ACH transactions. See the Merchant ACH section for more info
action string   24                         One of the possible actions from the action list.
additional_amounts[type] string 2 2                            

type of the amount [4S-Healthcare(Visa and MC Only), 4U-Prescription/Rx(Visa and MC Only), 4V-Vision/Optical(Visa Only), 4W-clinic/other qualified medical(Visa Only) ,4X-Dental(Visa Only)].

additional_amounts[amount] string 1 12                            

The amount of additional amount.

advance_deposit boolean         O N N N O O O O N N/A N/A N Used in Lodging
auth_amount number   10                               Authorization Amount
auth_code string 6 6     N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A R N/A N/A N/A N Required on force transactions. Ignored for all other actions.
avs string   1                               AVS
avs_enhanced string   1                                
batch string                                    
billing_city string   36     O O N N O N N O N O O N The City portion of the address associated with the Credit Card (CC) or Bank Account (ACH).
billing_phone string   10     O O N N O N N O N O O N The Phone # to be used to contact Payer if there are any issues processing a transaction.
billing_state string   26   O O N N O N N O N O O N The State portion of the address associated with the Credit Card (CC) or Bank Account (ACH). Only Required for Canadian Merchant Processing
billing_street string   32     C C N N C N N C N O O N

The Street portion of the address associated with the Credit Card (CC) or Bank Account (ACH).

Required for CC transactions if vt_require_street is true on producttransaction(Merchant Deposit Account).

billing_zip string 4 12     C C N N C N N C N O O N

The Zip or "Postal Code" portion of the address associated with the Credit Card (CC) or Bank Account (ACH). Alphanumeric with spaces and dashes to accomodate domestic and international postal codes

Required for CC transactions if vt_require_zip is true on producttransaction(Merchant Deposit Account).

card_present boolean   1     O O N N N N N O N N N N

A POST only field to specify whether or not the card is present. This field will be defaulted to "1" for all card present industries (retail, lodging, restaurant) and "0" for card not present industries (MOTO/e-commerce).

For lodging, if the no_show flag is set to "1", this field will automatically be set to "0".

For transactions where account_vault_id is used, this filed will be set to "0".

cavv string   40                             The cavv contains the Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (cavv) for 3-D Secure transactions (If Amex, cavv field can contain Amex SafeKey/Token Block A).
charge_back_date yyyy-mm-dd   10                               Charge Back Date (ACH Trxs)
check_number string 1 15                             Required for transactions using TEL SEC code.
checkin_date yyyy-mm-dd   10     C C N N C C C C N N/A N/A N Checkin Date - The time difference between checkin_date and checkout_date must be less than or equal to 99 days.
Required if merchant industry type is lodging.
checkout_date yyyy-mm-dd   10   C C N N C C C C N N/A N/A N Checkout Date - The time difference between checkin_date and checkout_date must be less than or equal to 99 days.
Required if merchant industry type is lodging.
clerk_number string   16                             Clerk or Employee Identifier
contact_api_id string   36                           This can be supplied in place of contact_id if you would like to use a contact for the transaction and are using your own custom api_id's to track contacts in the system.
contact_id string   36   O O N/A N/A O N N O N O O N if contact_id is provided, ensure it belongs to the same location as the transaction. You cannot move transaction across locations.
created_ts integer   10                               Created Timestamp
custom_data JSON   512                           A field that allows custom JSON to be entered to store extra data.
customer_id string   64                              

Can be used by Merchants to identify Contacts in our system by an ID from another system.

customer_ip string   39                                
cvv string   4     C C N N C N N C N N/A N/A N Required for CC transactions if vt_require_cvv is true on producttransaction(Merchant Deposit Account).
cvv_response string 1 1                                
description string   64   O O O O O O O O N O O O Description
dl_number string 1 50                             Required for ACH transactions when Driver's License Verification is enabled on the terminal.  Either dl_number + dl_state OR customer_id will need to be passed in this scenario.
dl_state string 2 2                             Required for ACH transactions when Driver's License Verification is enabled on the terminal.  Either dl_number + dl_state OR customer_id will need to be passed in this scenario.
dob_year string 4 4                             Required for certain ACH transactions where Identity Verification has been enabled for the terminal.  Either ssn4 or dob_year will need to be passed in this scenario but NOT BOTH.
e_format enum                                 Encrypted Track Data Format. 
Possible values are: 'ksn', 'ksnpin', 'idtech', 'magnesafe'. Click here for examples.
e_track_data hex                                 Encrypted Track Data
e_serial_number hex   20                             Encrypted Track Data KSN
effective_date yyyy-mm-dd   10     N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A O O N For ACH only, this is optional and defaults to current day.
emv_receipt_data string   512                               This field is a read only field. This field will only be populated for EMV transactions and will contain proper JSON formatted data with some or all of the following fields: TC,TVR,AID,TSI,ATC,APPLAB,APPN,CVM
entry_mode_id string   1                               Entry Mode - See entry mode section for more detail
exp_date mmyy 4 4   C C N N C C C C N N/A N/A N Required for CC. The Expiration Date for the credit card. (MMYY format).
first_six string   6                               First six numbers of account_number.  Automatically generated by system.
id string   36                               A unique identifer for a transaction. Automatically generated by the system.
image_front base64   65535                             A base64 encoded string for the image.  Used with Check21 ACH transactions.
image_back base64   65535                             A base64 encoded string for the image.  Used with Check21 ACH transactions.
is_recurring boolean                                   Indicates whether this transaction was performed as part of a Recurring.
last_four string 4 4                               Last four numbers of account_number.  Automatically generated by the system.
locale string 5                             Value used "en_CA" to indicate "English Canada" in order to enable Canadian-specific labels. Only Required for Canadian Merchant Processing
location_api_id string   36                          

This can be supplied in place of location_id for the transaction if you are using your own custom api_id's for your locations.

location_id string 24 36     O O N N O N N O N O O N A valid Location Id to associate the transaction with. 
If not provided with POST, will be defaulted to that of the User's Primary Location.
modified_ts integer   10                               A date automatically generated by the system whenever any data is changed.
move_account_vault boolean         N N N N N N N N N N N C Used to move account vault to new contact
move_account_vault_transactions boolean         N N N N N N N N N N N C Used to move account vault transactions along with account vault to new contact
no_show boolean         O O N N O O O O N N/A N/A N Used in Lodging
notification_email_address string         O O O O O O O O N O O N if email is supplied then receipt will be emailed
notification_email_sent string                                    
order_num string   32     O O N N O O O O N O O N Required for CC transactions , if merchant's deposit account's duplicate check per batch has "order_num" field. Alpha-Numeric Only, No Special Characters allowed.
payment_method string       R R N N R O O R N R R N 'cc' or 'ach'
po_number string   24                             Alpha-Numeric Only, No Special Characters allowed.
previous_transaction_id string   36     C C N N C N N C N C C N previous_transaction_id is used as token to run transaction. Account details OR previous_transaction_id should be passed to run transaction.
product_transaction_id string   36                             The Product's method (cc/ach) has to match the action. If not provided, the API will use the default configured for the Location. Required for ACH transactions.
quick_invoice_id string   24                             Can be used to associate a transaction to a Quick Invoice.  Quick Invoice transactions will have a value for this field automatically.
See Linking Transactions to Quick Invoices for more information.
reason_code_id number   4                               Response reason code that provides more detail as to the result of the transaction. The reason code list can be found here: Response Reason Codes
recurring_id string   36                               A unique identifer used to associate a transaction with a Recurring.
response_message string   255                               Response Message
return_date yyyy-mm-dd   10                               Return Date
room_num string   12   O O O O O O O O N N/A N/A N Used in Lodging
room_rate number       C C O O C C C C N N/A N/A N Required if merchant industry type is lodging.
routing string   9     N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A C C N This field is read only for ach on transactions. Must be supplied if account_vault_id is not provided.
save_account boolean                                 Specifies to save account to contacts profile if account_number/track_data is present with either contact_id or contact_api_id in params.
save_account_title string   16                             If saving account vault while running a transaction, this will be the title of the account vault.
settle_date yyyy-mm-dd   10                               Settle date
ssn4 string 4 4                             For ACH transactions where Identity Verification is enabled for terminal. Only ssn4 or dob_year should be passed. not both.
status_id number   3                               Status ID - See Status ID section for more detail
subtotal_amount number   10                             This field is allowed and required for transactions (action = Sale, AuthOnly, and AuthComplete) that have a product where surcharge and or Auto Calculate Tax is configured. This amount should not include the value of the "tax" field (sales tax) if present.
surcharge_amount number   10                             This field is allowed and required for transactions (action = Sale, AuthOnly, and AuthComplete) that have a product where surcharge is configured.
tags string       O O O O O O O O O O O O  
tax number                               Amount of Sales tax - If supplied, this amount should be included in the total transaction_amount field and is required for transactions where Auto Calculate Tax is configured.
terminal_serial_number string   24                           If transaction was processed using a terminal, this field would contain the terminal's serial number
terms_agree integer                                   Terms Agreement
track_data string   256     C C N N C N N C N N/A N/A N Track Data from a magnetic card swipe.
transaction_amount string   10   R R O R R O R R R R R N Amount of the transaction. This should always be the desired settle amount of the transaction.
transaction_api_id string   64     O O O O O O O O N O O N See api_id page for more details
transaction_c1 string   128                           Custom field 1 for api users to store custom data
transaction_c2 string   128                           Custom field 2 for api users to store custom data
transaction_c3 string   128                           Custom field 3 for api users to store custom data
transaction_c4 string   128                          

Custom field 4 - *This field is for internal use only

field is no longer available. 

transaction_settlement_status string   32                               (Deprecated field)
trx_source_id integer   2                               How the transaction was obtained by the API.
type_id number   2                               Type ID - See type id section for more detail
wallet_id string   3                               This value provides information about transactions initiation (If transaction initiated from Apple Pay In App, this field should contain 100 value).
verbiage string                                   Verbiage -Do not use verbiage to see if the transaction was approved, use status_id
void_date yyyy-mm-dd   10                               void date
xid string   40                             The xid contains a value assigned to a 3-D Secure transaction as a unique transaction identifier (If Amex, xid field can contain Amex SafeKey/Token Block B).


Product Transaction Setting Overrides

The following fields can be used on a per transaction basis.  If a field is provided, the corresponding field from the Product Transaction being used will be ignored and the override field value is then used instead.

For example, if auto_decline_zip is set to true on the Product Transaction, but auto_decline_zip_override is provided in transaction request with a value of false, then the transaction will NOT automatically decline due to a bad zip.


Name Description

true will allow for partially approved transactions less than the full requested transaction_amount.
false will NOT allow for partially approved transactions.

* Does not apply to recurrings

auto_decline_cvv_override true will auto reverse a transaction with an invalid CVV, even if the issuer approves it.
false will NOT auto reverse a transaction with an invalid CVV.
* CVV value must be provided for it to be evaluated
auto_decline_street_override true will auto reverse transactions if street is determined bad when checking AVS with the issuer.
false will NOT auto reverse a transaction with an invalid street
* Street value must be provided for it to be evaluated
auto_decline_zip_override true will auto reverse transactions if zip is determined bad when checking AVS with the issuer.
false will NOT auto reverse a transaction with an invalid zip
* Zip value must be provided for it to be evaluated


Endpoint Actions

Each transaction requires one of these actions to be provided:

  • sale
  • refund
  • void
  • partialreversal
  • authonly
  • authcomplete
  • authincrement
  • force
  • debit
  • credit
  • edit
  • avsonly (not available with all Processors)

Perform a Sale

POST /v2/transactions

    "transaction": {
        "action": "sale",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_number": "5454545454545454",
        "transaction_amount": 1,
        "location_id": "{location_id}"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "111111111111111111111111", 
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": null,
        "transaction_amount": 1,
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null,
        "avs": "BAD",
        "batch": "2",
        "item": "10",
        "order_num": "433659378839",
        "timestamp": "1421951096",
        "verbiage": "APPROVED",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1421951061, 
        "modified_ts": null,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null,
        "notification_email_sent": false,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": 1,
        "auth": "812823",
        "status_id": 101,
        "type_id": 20,
        "location_id": "{location_id}",
        "settle_date": null,
        "charge_back_date": null,
        "void_date": null,
        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
        "is_accountvault": false,
        "checkin_date": null,
        "checkout_date": null,
        "room_num": null,
        "room_rate": null,
        "advance_deposit": false,
        "no_show": false,
        "entry_mode_id": "C"
        "emv_receipt_data": {
            "APPLAB":"US Maestro",
            "APPN":"US Maestro",
            "CVM":"Pin Verified",
        "folio_num": "",
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/11111111111111111111111"

Perform a Sale from Account Vault

POST /v2/transactions

    "transaction": {
        "action": "sale",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": "{account_vault_id}",
        "transaction_amount": 1,
        "location_id": "{location_id}"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "333333333333333333333333", 
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": null,
        "transaction_amount": 1,
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null,
        "avs": "BAD",
        "batch": "2",
        "item": "10",
        "order_num": "433659378839",
        "timestamp": "1421951096",
        "verbiage": "APPROVED",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1421951061, 
        "modified_ts": null,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null,
        "notification_email_sent": false,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": 1,
        "auth": "812823",
        "status_id": 101,
        "type_id": 20,
        "location_id": "{location_id}",
        "settle_date": null,
        "charge_back_date": null,
        "void_date": null,
        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
        "is_accountvault": true,
        "checkin_date": null,
        "checkout_date": null,
        "room_num": null,
        "room_rate": null,
        "advance_deposit": false,
        "no_show": false,
        "entry_mode_id": "C"
        "emv_receipt_data": {},         
        "folio_num": "",
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/222222222222222222222222"

Perform an AVS Only Transaction

For information about AVS response codes and what they indicate, please take a look at AVS Response Codes.  While this action does not require billing address information, that data is necessary to return a valid AVS response from the processor. 

Please note that the Paya Connect sandbox will return CVV responses here, but some of our processors do not support CVV responses for this transaction type.

See our Test Data for additional test scenarios.  Any other AVS will decline the AVS but not decline the transaction. Not sending AVS will decline the AVS but not decline the transaction. 

POST /v2/transactions

  "transaction": {
    "payment_method": "cc",
    "action": "avsonly",
    "exp_date": "0220",
    "account_holder_name":"Joe Smith",
    "billing_street":"5800 NW 39th AVE", //this is valid AVS response in the sandbox
    "billing_zip":"32606" //this is valid AVS response in the sandbox
    "transaction": {
        "id": "11e8de0660ed32b09377b9d7",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": null,
        "transaction_amount": "0.00",
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null,
        "avs": "BAD",
        "batch": null,
        "order_num": "297051478934",
        "verbiage": "APPROVAL",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1541097961,
        "modified_ts": 1541097961,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null,
        "notification_email_sent": true,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": "0.00",
        "auth_code": "",
        "status_id": 121,
        "type_id": 21,
        "location_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
        "reason_code_id": 1000,
        "contact_id": null,
        "billing_zip": "12345",
        "billing_street": null,
        "product_transaction_id": "11e8de062c7eb8468ceda2c2",
        "tax": "0.00",
        "customer_ip": null,
        "customer_id": null,
        "po_number": null,
        "avs_enhanced": "N",
        "cvv_response": "N",
        "billing_phone": null,
        "billing_city": null,
        "billing_state": null,
        "clerk_number": null,
        "created_user_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
        "modified_user_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
        "settle_date": null,
        "charge_back_date": null,
        "void_date": null,
        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
        "is_accountvault": false,
        "transaction_c1": null,
        "transaction_c2": null,
        "transaction_c3": null,
        "additional_amounts": [],
        "terminal_serial_number": null,
        "entry_mode_id": "K",
        "terminal_id": null,
        "quick_invoice_id": null,
        "ach_sec_code": null,
        "custom_data": null,
        "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
        "checkin_date": null,
        "checkout_date": null,
        "room_num": null,
        "room_rate": "0.00",
        "advance_deposit": false,
        "no_show": false,
        "emv_receipt_data": null,
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/11e8de0660ed32b09377b9d7"
AVS Only Result Codes

In the response above you will notice that there is a field "avs".  This field will hold the AVS result.

Value Description
GOOD Street or zip are both good (if provided)
BAD Both street and zip do not match
STREET Street does not match
ZIP Zip does not match


Perform a Refund from Previous Transaction

POST /v2/transactions

    "transaction": {
        "action": "refund",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "previous_transaction_id": "{id_of_transaction_to_refund}",
        "transaction_amount": 1,
        "location_id": "{location_id}"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "111111111111111111111111",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": "",
        "transaction_amount": "1.00",
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null,
        "avs": "BAD",
        "batch": "11",
        "order_num": "285841214993",
        "verbiage": "Test 4608",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1637250374,
        "modified_ts": 1637250374,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null,
        "notification_email_sent": true,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": "1.00",
        "auth_code": "",
        "status_id": 111,
        "type_id": 30,
        "location_id": "{location_id}",
        "reason_code_id": 1000,
        "contact_id": null,
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        "billing_street": "2831 NW 41st St STE J",
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        "customer_ip": null,
        "customer_id": null,
        "po_number": null,
        "avs_enhanced": "N",
        "cvv_response": "N",
        "billing_phone": null,
        "billing_city": "",
        "billing_state": "",
        "clerk_number": null,
        "bill_payment": null,
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        "transaction_c2": null,
        "transaction_c3": null,
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        "entry_mode_id": "K",
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        "custom_data": null,
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        "installment_total_count": null,
        "emv_receipt_data": null,
        "_links": {
        "self": {
        "href": "[Host}/v2/transactions/{location_id}"

Perform an Auth Only Transaction

This can be used to "capture" funds for e-commerce, lodging, or other situations where the transaction will be settled later.

POST /v2/transactions

    "transaction": {
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "action": "authonly",
        "exp_date": "0220",
        "transaction_amount": "120.00"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "111111111111111111111111",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": null,
        "transaction_amount": "120.00",
        "description": null,
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        "avs": null,
        "batch": null,
        "order_num": "996376148694",
        "verbiage": "Test 3474",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1637250810,
        "modified_ts": 1637250810,
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        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null,
        "notification_email_sent": true,
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        "auth_amount": "120.00",
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        "billing_zip": null,
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        "product_transaction_id": "",
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        "transaction_c2": null,
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        "terminal_serial_number": null,
        "entry_mode_id": "K",
        "terminal_id": null,
        "quick_invoice_id": null,
        "ach_sec_code": null,
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        "installment_number": null,
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        "emv_receipt_data": null,
        "_links": {
        "self": {
        "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/{location_id}"

Perform a Complete

PUT /v2/transactions/{id}

        "transaction": {
            "action": "authcomplete",
            // Can provide transaction_amount for lesser amount than auth
            "transaction_amount": "60.00"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "222222222222222222222222",
        "payment_method": "cc", 
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        "recurring_id": null,
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        "transaction_code": null, 
        "code": "AUTH",
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        "timestamp": "1421953180",
        "verbiage": "APPROVED",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1421951061, 
        "modified_ts": 1421953145,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null, 
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        "response_message": null,
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        "auth": "220093",
        "status_id": 101,
        "type_id": 20,
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        "charge_back_date": null,
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        "account_type": "mc",
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        "checkin_date": null,
        "checkout_date": null,
        "room_num": null,
        "room_rate": null,
        "advance_deposit": false,
        "no_show": false,
        "folio_num": "433659378839",
        "_links": {
            "self": { 
                "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/{location_id}" 

Perform AuthIncrement

PUT /v2/transactions/{id}

        "transaction": {
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        "transaction_amount": "100.00"
        "transaction": {
        "id": "11ec59d672ead50e89cd0553",
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        "transaction_amount": "100.00",
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null,
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        "verbiage": "Test 9986",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1639153812,
        "modified_ts": 1639153833,
        "transaction_api_id": "SDK1639153812",
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": "",
        "notification_email_sent": true,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": "1.00",
        "auth_code": "59d673",
        "status_id": 102,
        "type_id": 20,
        "location_id": "11e89734da2f694aa9450156",
        "reason_code_id": 1000,
        "contact_id": null,
        "billing_zip": "31405",
        "billing_street": "123 Main St",
        "product_transaction_id": "11e955741583f3d2b6993987",
        "tax": "0.00",
        "customer_ip": null,
        "customer_id": null,
        "po_number": "123456",
        "avs_enhanced": "N",
        "cvv_response": "M",
        "billing_phone": null,
        "billing_city": null,
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        "clerk_number": null,
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        "created_user_id": "11e8dbbbf6d7c9cc929ae0a9",
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        "check_number": null,
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        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
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        "transaction_c2": null,
        "transaction_c3": null,
        "additional_amounts": [],
        "terminal_serial_number": null,
        "entry_mode_id": "K",
        "terminal_id": null,
        "quick_invoice_id": null,
        "ach_sec_code": null,
        "custom_data": {
        "item_name": "cog",
        "item_sku": "123456",
        "item_value": "1.00"
        "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
        "trx_source_id": 12,
        "transaction_batch_id": null,
        "recurring_flag": "no",
        "recurring_number": null,
        "installment_number": null,
        "installment_total_count": null,
        "emv_receipt_data": null,
        "_links": {
        "self": {
        "href": ""

Perform a Void

PUT /v2/transactions/{id}

    "transaction": {
        "action": "void"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "222222222222222222222222",
        "payment_method": "cc", 
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": null,
        "transaction_amount": 0,
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null, 
        "code": "AUTH",
        "avs": "BAD",
        "batch": "2",
        "item": "10",
        "order_num": "433659378839",
        "timestamp": "1421953180",
        "verbiage": "APPROVED",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1421951061, 
        "modified_ts": 1421953145,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null, 
        "notification_email_sent": false,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": 1,
        "auth": "220093",
        "status_id": 201,
        "type_id": 20,
        "location_id": "{location_id}",
        "settle_date": null,
        "charge_back_date": null,
        "void_date": null,
        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
        "checkin_date": null,
        "checkout_date": null,
        "room_num": null,
        "room_rate": null,
        "advance_deposit": false,
        "no_show": false,
        "folio_num": "433659378839",
        "_links": {
            "self": { 
                "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/{location_id}" 

Perform a Partial Reversal

PUT /v2/transactions/{id}

In a partial reversal, the transaction_amount should be less than the original auth or sale. The transaction_amount should be the final settlement amount that the auth or sale will be reduced to.

    "transaction": {
        "action": "partialreversal",
        "transaction_amount": 20.00
    "transaction": {
        "id": "222222222222222222222222",
        "payment_method": "cc", 
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
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        "transaction_amount": 20.00,
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null, 
        "code": "AUTH",
        "avs": "BAD",
        "batch": "2",
        "item": "10",
        "order_num": "433659378839",
        "timestamp": "1421953180",
        "verbiage": "APPROVED",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1421951061, 
        "modified_ts": 1421953145,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null, 
        "notification_email_sent": false,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": 1,
        "auth": "220093",
        "status_id": 201,
        "type_id": 20,
        "location_id": "{location_id}",
        "settle_date": null,
        "charge_back_date": null,
        "void_date": null,
        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
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        "checkout_date": null,
        "room_num": null,
        "room_rate": null,
        "advance_deposit": false,
        "no_show": false,
        "folio_num": "433659378839",
        "_links": {
            "self": { 
                "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/{location_id}" 

View Single Record

GET /v2/transactions/{id}

    // Empty Payload - Nothing needed here
    "transaction": {
        "id": "54c15673-0d7f-5e82-8664-382641c13d24",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": null,
        "transaction_amount": 1,
        "description": null,
        "transaction_code": null,
        "code": "AUTH",
        "avs": "BAD", 
        "batch": "2",
        "item": "11",
        "order_num": "596128155714",
        "timestamp": 1421953584,
        "verbiage": "APPROVED", 
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1421953549, 
        "modified_ts": null,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null,
        "notification_email_sent": false,
        "response_message": null,
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        "auth": "392194",
        "status_id": 101,
        "type_id": 20,
        "location_id": "{location_id}",
        "settle_date": null,
        "charge_back_date": null,
        "void_date": null,
        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
        "checkin_date": null,
        "checkout_date": null,
        "room_num": null,
        "room_rate": null,
        "advance_deposit": false,
        "no_show": false,
        "folio_num": "596128155714",
        "tags": [
                "id": "Test Tag",
                "title": "Test Tag"
        "_links": {
            "self": { 
                "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/54c15673-0d7f-5e82-8664-382641c13d24"

View Record List

GET /v2/transactions


  • Filters can be used to search for transactions by including the columns you want to filter on as URL parameters.
  • Expands can be used to include additional data associated with a Transaction.  See Expands further below for more details.
    // Empty Payload - Nothing needed here
    "transactions": [ 
            "id": "54c1c28a-5506-4935-59c9-07757d1621e8", 
            "payment_method": "cc",
            "account_vault_id": null,           
            "recurring_id": null,
            "first_six": "545454",
            "last_four": "5454",
            "account_holder_name": null,
            "transaction_amount": 0,
            "description": null,
            "transaction_code": null,
            "code": "AUTH",
            "avs": "BAD",
            "batch": "2",
            "item": "10",
            "order_num": "433659378839",
            "timestamp": 1421953180,
            "verbiage": "APPROVED",
            "transaction_settlement_status": null,
            "effective_date": null,
            "routing": null,
            "return_date": null,
            "created_ts": 1421951061,
            "modified_ts": 1421953145,
            "transaction_api_id": null,
            "terms_agree": null,
            "notification_email_address": null,
            "notification_email_sent": false,
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            "status_id": 201,
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            "location_id": "{location_id}",
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            "void_date": false,
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            "room_rate": null,
            "advance_deposit": false,
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            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/54c1c28a-5506-4935-59c9-07757d1621e8"
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            "payment_method": "cc",
            "account_vault_id": null,
            "recurring_id": null,
            "first_six": "545454",
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            "transaction_amount": 1,
            "description": null,
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            "code": "AUTH",
            "avs": "BAD",
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            "item": "11",
            "order_num": "596128155714",
            "timestamp": 1421953584,
            "verbiage": "APPROVED",
            "transaction_settlement_status": null,
            "effective_date": null,
            "routing": null,
            "return_date": null,
            "created_ts": 1421953549, 
            "modified_ts": null,
            "transaction_api_id": null,
            "terms_agree": null,
            "notification_email_address": null,
            "notification_email_sent": false,
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            "auth": "392194",
            "status_id": 101,
            "type_id": 20,
            "location_id": "{location_id}",
            "settle_date": null,
            "charge_back_date": null,
            "void_date": null,
            "account_type": "mc",
            "is_recurring": false,
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            "checkout_date": null,
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            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/54c15673-0d7f-5e82-8664-382641c13d24"
        ... // other transactions here
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                    "href": "{url}/v2/transactions?page_size=3&location_id=54c105a8-46e2-9769-3cf2-63aeb95d29b3&page=2"
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                    "href": "{url}/v2/transactions?page_size=3&location_id=54c105a8-46e2-9769-3cf2-63aeb95d29b3&page=5"
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        "sort": {
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Searching for Records

There are a number of filters that can be used to search for transactions by including them as querystring parameters in your Request URL.  Below you will find examples for a few use cases although we encourage you to take a look at the full Filters list to consider additional strategies that can be used for finding transactions.

Quick Invoice Payments

By using the trx_source_id field as a querystring parameter we can search for transactions tied to Quick Invoices like so:

GET /v2/transactions?trx_source_id=8

You can add additional parameters to narrow your results even further like so:

GET /v2/transactions?trx_source_id=8&created_ts=custom&created_ts_from=1556424000&created_ts_to=1556683199



Editing a Transaction

  • If contact_id is provided, ensure it belongs to the same location as the transaction.  You cannot move a transaction across locations.
  • Only the fields depicted below are allowed for action of "edit" although which fields are necessary depend on the desired result.

PUT /v2/transactions/{id}

    "transaction": {
        "action": "edit",
        "contact_id": "123abc",
        "move_account_vault" : 1,
        "move_account_vault_transactions" : 1,
        "description" : "this is a description"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "111111111111111111111111",
        "payment_method": "cc",
        "account_vault_id": null,
        "recurring_id": null,
        "first_six": "545454",
        "last_four": "5454",
        "account_holder_name": null,
        "transaction_amount": "50.00",
        "description": "this is a description",
        "transaction_code": null,
        "avs": null,
        "batch": "5",
        "order_num": "997504408577",
        "verbiage": "Test 8430",
        "transaction_settlement_status": null,
        "effective_date": null,
        "routing": null,
        "return_date": null,
        "created_ts": 1635442609,
        "modified_ts": 1637175933,
        "transaction_api_id": null,
        "terms_agree": null,
        "notification_email_address": null,
        "notification_email_sent": true,
        "response_message": null,
        "auth_amount": "150.00",
        "auth_code": "3815a1",
        "status_id": 101,
        "type_id": 20,
        "location_id": "{location_id}",
        "reason_code_id": 1001,
        "contact_id": "123abc",
        "billing_zip": null,
        "billing_street": null,
        "tax": "0.00",
        "customer_ip": null,
        "customer_id": null,
        "po_number": null,
        "avs_enhanced": "V",
        "cvv_response": "N",
        "billing_phone": null,
        "billing_city": null,
        "billing_state": null,
        "clerk_number": null,
        "bill_payment": null,
        "ach_identifier": null,
        "check_number": null,
        "settle_date": null,
        "charge_back_date": null,
        "void_date": null,
        "account_type": "mc",
        "is_recurring": false,
        "is_accountvault": false,
        "transaction_c1": null,
        "transaction_c2": null,
        "transaction_c3": null,
        "additional_amounts": [],
        "terminal_serial_number": null,
        "entry_mode_id": "K",
        "terminal_id": null,
        "quick_invoice_id": null,
        "ach_sec_code": null,
        "custom_data": null,
        "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
        "trx_source_id": 12,
        "recurring_flag": "no",
        "recurring_number": null,
        "installment_number": null,
        "installment_total_count": null,
        "emv_receipt_data": null,
        "_links": {
        "self": {
        "href": "{url}/v2/transactions/{location_id}"
Edit Action Field Purpose
Field Purpose
contact_id Used to associate a transaction with a specific Contact. Can be set to "" to disassociate from current Contact.
move_account_vault Used to indicate that the account vault associated with the transaction should also be moved to the provided contact_id.
move_account_vault_transactions Used to indicate that all of the transactions linked to the account_vault being moved should also be moved to the provided contact_id.
description Used to provide a note or explanation for a transaction.
tags Used to apply tags to a transaction.

Get BIN Info

For more information on BIN Info including the purpose of each field returned and the possible values for each take a look at our BIN Info documentation.

GET /v2/transactions/{id}/bininfo

    // Empty Payload - Nothing Needed Here
   "bininfo": {
       "issuer_bank_name": "Cartasi S.P.A.",
       "country_code": "ITA",
       "detail_card_product": "V",
       "detail_card_indicator": "X",
       "fsa_indicator": "",
       "prepaid_indicator": "",
       "product_id": "G",
       "regulator_indicator": "N",
       "visa_product_sub_type": "",
       "visa_large_ticket_indicator": "",
       "account_fund_source": "C",
       "card_class": "B",
       "token_ind": "",
       "issuing_network": null


Paya ACH

Perform a WEB Debit

POST /v2/transactions

The action “debit” is used to move funds from the account holder to the merchant. The SEC code of WEB indicates that this is a customer-initiated Check by Web transaction. See WEB within the Paya ACH Authorization Requirements for more details.


  "transaction": {
    "action": "debit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "ach_sec_code": "WEB",
    "account_holder_name": "Test Account",
    "account_type": "checking",
    "account_number": "01234567890",
    "routing": "072000326",
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "dob_year": "1990",
    "ssn4": "1234",
    "dl_number": "012345678",
    "dl_state": "GA"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "11eb8bd6c1c86b7e89868db3",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "account_vault_id": null,
    "recurring_id": null,
    "first_six": null,
    "last_four": "7890",
    "account_holder_name": "Test Account",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "description": null,
    "transaction_code": null,
    "avs": null,
    "batch": null,
    "order_num": "653743597474",
    "verbiage": "Test 1658",
    "transaction_settlement_status": null,
    "effective_date": null,
    "routing": "072000326",
    "return_date": null,
    "created_ts": 1616504005,
    "modified_ts": 1616504005,
    "transaction_api_id": null,
    "terms_agree": null,
    "notification_email_address": null,
    "notification_email_sent": true,
    "response_message": null,
    "auth_amount": "10.00",
    "auth_code": "AUTH NUM 272-172",
    "status_id": 131,
    "type_id": 50,
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "reason_code_id": 1000,
    "contact_id": null,
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "tax": "0.00",
    "customer_ip": null,
    "customer_id": null,
    "po_number": null,
    "avs_enhanced": null,
    "cvv_response": null,
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "clerk_number": null,
    "created_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "modified_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "ach_identifier": null,
    "check_number": null,
    "settle_date": null,
    "charge_back_date": null,
    "void_date": null,
    "account_type": "checking",
    "is_recurring": false,
    "is_accountvault": false,
    "transaction_c1": null,
    "transaction_c2": null,
    "transaction_c3": null,
    "additional_amounts": [],
    "terminal_serial_number": null,
    "entry_mode_id": "K",
    "terminal_id": null,
    "quick_invoice_id": null,
    "ach_sec_code": "WEB",
    "custom_data": null,
    "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
    "trx_source_id": 12,
    "transaction_batch_id": null,
    "checkin_date": null,
    "checkout_date": null,
    "room_num": null,
    "room_rate": "0.00",
    "advance_deposit": false,
    "no_show": false,
    "emv_receipt_data": null,
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""

Perform a WEB Debit from an Account Vault

POST /v2/transactions

The action “debit” is used to move funds from the account holder to the merchant. This request will pull the account information from the account_vault_id. The SEC code of WEB indicates that this is a customer-initiated Check by Web transaction. See WEB within the Paya ACH Authorization Requirements for more details.

  "transaction": {
    "action": "debit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "ach_sec_code": "WEB",
    "account_vault_id": "{account_vault_id}",
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "dob_year": "1990",
    "ssn4": "1234",
    "dl_number": "012345678",
    "dl_state": "GA"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "11eb8bdf6cfe0f9684c6b24f",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "account_vault_id": "{account_vault_id}",
    "recurring_id": null,
    "first_six": null,
    "last_four": "7890",
    "account_holder_name": "John Smith",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "description": null,
    "transaction_code": null,
    "avs": null,
    "batch": null,
    "order_num": "647097660274",
    "verbiage": "Test 6378",
    "transaction_settlement_status": null,
    "effective_date": null,
    "routing": "072000326",
    "return_date": null,
    "created_ts": 1616507728,
    "modified_ts": 1616507728,
    "transaction_api_id": null,
    "terms_agree": null,
    "notification_email_address": null,
    "notification_email_sent": true,
    "response_message": null,
    "auth_amount": "10.00",
    "auth_code": "AUTH NUM 272-172",
    "status_id": 131,
    "type_id": 50,
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "reason_code_id": 1000,
    "contact_id": null,
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "tax": "0.00",
    "customer_ip": null,
    "customer_id": null,
    "po_number": null,
    "avs_enhanced": null,
    "cvv_response": null,
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "clerk_number": null,
    "created_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "modified_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "ach_identifier": null,
    "check_number": null,
    "settle_date": null,
    "charge_back_date": null,
    "void_date": null,
    "account_type": "checking",
    "is_recurring": false,
    "is_accountvault": true,
    "transaction_c1": null,
    "transaction_c2": null,
    "transaction_c3": null,
    "additional_amounts": [],
    "terminal_serial_number": null,
    "entry_mode_id": "K",
    "terminal_id": null,
    "quick_invoice_id": null,
    "ach_sec_code": "WEB",
    "custom_data": null,
    "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
    "trx_source_id": 12,
    "transaction_batch_id": null,
    "checkin_date": null,
    "checkout_date": null,
    "room_num": null,
    "room_rate": "0.00",
    "advance_deposit": false,
    "no_show": false,
    "emv_receipt_data": null,
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""

Perform a PPD/CCD Debit

POST /v2/transactions

The action “debit” is used to move funds from the account holder to the merchant. The SEC codes of PPD or CCD indicate that this is a merchant-initiated transaction. See PPD and CCD within the Paya ACH Authorization Requirements for more details.

  "transaction": {
    "action": "debit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "ach_sec_code": "PPD",
    "account_holder_name": "Test Account",
    "account_type": "checking",
    "account_number": "01234567890",
    "routing": "072000326",
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "dob_year": "1990",
    "ssn4": "1234",
    "dl_number": "012345678",
    "dl_state": "GA"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "11eb8be325b50c9eab332ec7",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "account_vault_id": null,
    "recurring_id": null,
    "first_six": null,
    "last_four": "7890",
    "account_holder_name": "Test Account",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "description": null,
    "transaction_code": null,
    "avs": null,
    "batch": null,
    "order_num": "470049304391",
    "verbiage": "Test 8194",
    "transaction_settlement_status": null,
    "effective_date": null,
    "routing": "072000326",
    "return_date": null,
    "created_ts": 1616509327,
    "modified_ts": 1616509327,
    "transaction_api_id": null,
    "terms_agree": null,
    "notification_email_address": null,
    "notification_email_sent": true,
    "response_message": null,
    "auth_amount": "10.00",
    "auth_code": "AUTH NUM 272-172",
    "status_id": 131,
    "type_id": 50,
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "reason_code_id": 1000,
    "contact_id": null,
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "tax": "0.00",
    "customer_ip": null,
    "customer_id": null,
    "po_number": null,
    "avs_enhanced": null,
    "cvv_response": null,
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "clerk_number": null,
    "created_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "modified_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "ach_identifier": null,
    "check_number": null,
    "settle_date": null,
    "charge_back_date": null,
    "void_date": null,
    "account_type": "checking",
    "is_recurring": false,
    "is_accountvault": false,
    "transaction_c1": null,
    "transaction_c2": null,
    "transaction_c3": null,
    "additional_amounts": [],
    "terminal_serial_number": null,
    "entry_mode_id": "K",
    "terminal_id": null,
    "quick_invoice_id": null,
    "ach_sec_code": "PPD",
    "custom_data": null,
    "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
    "trx_source_id": 12,
    "transaction_batch_id": null,
    "checkin_date": null,
    "checkout_date": null,
    "room_num": null,
    "room_rate": "0.00",
    "advance_deposit": false,
    "no_show": false,
    "emv_receipt_data": null,
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""

Perform a PPD/CCD Debit from an Account Vault

POST /v2/transactions

The action “debit” is used to move funds from the account holder to the merchant. This request will pull the account information from the account_vault_id. The SEC codes of PPD or CCD indicate that this is a merchant-initiated transaction. See PPD and CCD within the Paya ACH Authorization Requirements for more details.

  "transaction": {
    "action": "debit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "ach_sec_code": "PPD",
    "account_vault_id": "{account_vault_id}",
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "dob_year": "1990",
    "ssn4": "1234",
    "dl_number": "012345678",
    "dl_state": "GA"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "11eb8be4ff7b0d16b7712c69",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "account_vault_id": "11eb8bdf1ae2385e9ec6747a",
    "recurring_id": null,
    "first_six": null,
    "last_four": "7890",
    "account_holder_name": "John Smith",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "description": null,
    "transaction_code": null,
    "avs": null,
    "batch": null,
    "order_num": "866554279940",
    "verbiage": "Test 5785",
    "transaction_settlement_status": null,
    "effective_date": null,
    "routing": "072000326",
    "return_date": null,
    "created_ts": 1616509692,
    "modified_ts": 1616509692,
    "transaction_api_id": null,
    "terms_agree": null,
    "notification_email_address": null,
    "notification_email_sent": true,
    "response_message": null,
    "auth_amount": "10.00",
    "auth_code": "AUTH NUM 272-172",
    "status_id": 131,
    "type_id": 50,
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "reason_code_id": 1000,
    "contact_id": null,
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "tax": "0.00",
    "customer_ip": null,
    "customer_id": null,
    "po_number": null,
    "avs_enhanced": null,
    "cvv_response": null,
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "clerk_number": null,
    "created_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "modified_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "ach_identifier": null,
    "check_number": null,
    "settle_date": null,
    "charge_back_date": null,
    "void_date": null,
    "account_type": "checking",
    "is_recurring": false,
    "is_accountvault": true,
    "transaction_c1": null,
    "transaction_c2": null,
    "transaction_c3": null,
    "additional_amounts": [],
    "terminal_serial_number": null,
    "entry_mode_id": "K",
    "terminal_id": null,
    "quick_invoice_id": null,
    "ach_sec_code": "PPD",
    "custom_data": null,
    "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
    "trx_source_id": 12,
    "transaction_batch_id": null,
    "checkin_date": null,
    "checkout_date": null,
    "room_num": null,
    "room_rate": "0.00",
    "advance_deposit": false,
    "no_show": false,
    "emv_receipt_data": null,
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""

Perform a Credit

POST /v2/transactions

The action “credit” is used to move funds from the merchant to the account holder. This is typically utilized to initiate a refund to the account holder. The SEC code of CCD is used for all merchant-initiated ACH “credit” requests.

  "transaction": {
    "action": "credit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "ach_sec_code": "CCD",
    "account_holder_name": "Test Account",
    "account_type": "checking",
    "account_number": "01234567890",
    "routing": "072000326",
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "dob_year": "1990",
    "ssn4": "1234",
    "dl_number": "012345678",
    "dl_state": "GA"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "11eb8be829fec09cc04463c8",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "account_vault_id": null,
    "recurring_id": null,
    "first_six": null,
    "last_four": "7890",
    "account_holder_name": "Test Account",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "description": null,
    "transaction_code": null,
    "avs": null,
    "batch": null,
    "order_num": "360174578795",
    "verbiage": "Test 5710",
    "transaction_settlement_status": null,
    "effective_date": null,
    "routing": "072000326",
    "return_date": null,
    "created_ts": 1616511481,
    "modified_ts": 1616511481,
    "transaction_api_id": null,
    "terms_agree": null,
    "notification_email_address": null,
    "notification_email_sent": true,
    "response_message": null,
    "auth_amount": "10.00",
    "auth_code": "AUTH NUM 272-172",
    "status_id": 131,
    "type_id": 40,
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "reason_code_id": 1000,
    "contact_id": null,
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "tax": "0.00",
    "customer_ip": null,
    "customer_id": null,
    "po_number": null,
    "avs_enhanced": null,
    "cvv_response": null,
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "clerk_number": null,
    "created_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "modified_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "ach_identifier": null,
    "check_number": null,
    "settle_date": null,
    "charge_back_date": null,
    "void_date": null,
    "account_type": "checking",
    "is_recurring": false,
    "is_accountvault": false,
    "transaction_c1": null,
    "transaction_c2": null,
    "transaction_c3": null,
    "additional_amounts": [],
    "terminal_serial_number": null,
    "entry_mode_id": "K",
    "terminal_id": null,
    "quick_invoice_id": null,
    "ach_sec_code": "CCD",
    "custom_data": null,
    "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
    "trx_source_id": 12,
    "transaction_batch_id": null,
    "checkin_date": null,
    "checkout_date": null,
    "room_num": null,
    "room_rate": "0.00",
    "advance_deposit": false,
    "no_show": false,
    "emv_receipt_data": null,
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""

Perform a Credit from a Previous Transaction

POST /v2/transactions

The action “credit” is used to move funds from the merchant to the account holder. This is typically utilized to initiate a refund to the account holder. The SEC code of CCD is used for all merchant-initiated ACH “credit” requests. This request utilizes the transaction_id from a previous “debit” request in place of the account information.

  "transaction": {
    "action": "credit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "ach_sec_code": "CCD",
    "previous_transaction_id": "{transaction_id}",
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "dob_year": "1990",
    "ssn4": "1234",
    "dl_number": "012345678",
    "dl_state": "GA"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "11eb8be9838349169ec53b8e",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "account_vault_id": null,
    "recurring_id": null,
    "first_six": null,
    "last_four": "7890",
    "account_holder_name": "Test Account",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "description": null,
    "transaction_code": null,
    "avs": null,
    "batch": null,
    "order_num": "042679827978",
    "verbiage": "Test 6714",
    "transaction_settlement_status": null,
    "effective_date": null,
    "routing": "072000326",
    "return_date": null,
    "created_ts": 1616512061,
    "modified_ts": 1616512061,
    "transaction_api_id": null,
    "terms_agree": null,
    "notification_email_address": null,
    "notification_email_sent": true,
    "response_message": null,
    "auth_amount": "10.00",
    "auth_code": "AUTH NUM 272-172",
    "status_id": 131,
    "type_id": 40,
    "location_id": "11e919aa3c4a4ed6a04860ff",
    "reason_code_id": 1000,
    "contact_id": null,
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "product_transaction_id": "11ea4f51cb20259e9187cd73",
    "tax": "0.00",
    "customer_ip": null,
    "customer_id": null,
    "po_number": null,
    "avs_enhanced": null,
    "cvv_response": null,
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "clerk_number": null,
    "created_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "modified_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "ach_identifier": null,
    "check_number": null,
    "settle_date": null,
    "charge_back_date": null,
    "void_date": null,
    "account_type": "checking",
    "is_recurring": false,
    "is_accountvault": false,
    "transaction_c1": null,
    "transaction_c2": null,
    "transaction_c3": null,
    "additional_amounts": [],
    "terminal_serial_number": null,
    "entry_mode_id": "K",
    "terminal_id": null,
    "quick_invoice_id": null,
    "ach_sec_code": "CCD",
    "custom_data": null,
    "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
    "trx_source_id": 12,
    "transaction_batch_id": null,
    "checkin_date": null,
    "checkout_date": null,
    "room_num": null,
    "room_rate": "0.00",
    "advance_deposit": false,
    "no_show": false,
    "emv_receipt_data": null,
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""

Perform a Credit from an Account Vault

POST /v2/transactions

The action “credit” is used to move funds from the merchant to the account holder. This is typically utilized to initiate a refund to the account holder. The SEC code of CCD is used for all merchant-initiated ACH “credit” requests. This request utilizes the account_vault_id in place of the account information.

  "transaction": {
    "action": "credit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "ach_sec_code": "CCD",
    "account_vault_id": "{account_vault_id}",
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "dob_year": "1990",
    "ssn4": "1234",
    "dl_number": "012345678",
    "dl_state": "GA"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "11eb8beacbc797a8a505a08b",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "account_vault_id": "{account_vault_id}",
    "recurring_id": null,
    "first_six": null,
    "last_four": "7890",
    "account_holder_name": "John Smith",
    "transaction_amount": "10.00",
    "description": null,
    "transaction_code": null,
    "avs": null,
    "batch": null,
    "order_num": "533458045552",
    "verbiage": "Test 9280",
    "transaction_settlement_status": null,
    "effective_date": null,
    "routing": "072000326",
    "return_date": null,
    "created_ts": 1616512612,
    "modified_ts": 1616512612,
    "transaction_api_id": null,
    "terms_agree": null,
    "notification_email_address": null,
    "notification_email_sent": true,
    "response_message": null,
    "auth_amount": "10.00",
    "auth_code": "AUTH NUM 272-172",
    "status_id": 131,
    "type_id": 40,
    "location_id": "11111-11111-11111-11111",
    "reason_code_id": 1000,
    "contact_id": null,
    "billing_zip": "30346",
    "billing_street": "123 Main St",
    "product_transaction_id": "22222-22222-22222-22222",
    "tax": "0.00",
    "customer_ip": null,
    "customer_id": null,
    "po_number": null,
    "avs_enhanced": null,
    "cvv_response": null,
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "billing_city": "Atlanta",
    "billing_state": "GA",
    "clerk_number": null,
    "created_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "modified_user_id": "11e919aa3d639af2a5c5d689",
    "ach_identifier": null,
    "check_number": null,
    "settle_date": null,
    "charge_back_date": null,
    "void_date": null,
    "account_type": "checking",
    "is_recurring": false,
    "is_accountvault": true,
    "transaction_c1": null,
    "transaction_c2": null,
    "transaction_c3": null,
    "additional_amounts": [],
    "terminal_serial_number": null,
    "entry_mode_id": "K",
    "terminal_id": null,
    "quick_invoice_id": null,
    "ach_sec_code": "CCD",
    "custom_data": null,
    "hosted_payment_page_id": null,
    "trx_source_id": 12,
    "transaction_batch_id": null,
    "checkin_date": null,
    "checkout_date": null,
    "room_num": null,
    "room_rate": "0.00",
    "advance_deposit": false,
    "no_show": false,
    "emv_receipt_data": null,
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": ""

Paya ACH Authorization Requirements

Authorization Page - PPD

PPD is for prearranged payment and deposit entries on personal bank account in which the Receiver is required to complete a written authorization form and must provide physical or digital signature. Digital signatures must be compliant with the ESign Act.

Additionally, the authorization must provide the Receiver with the method to revoke his authorization by notifying the Originator in the manner prescribed, and the time frame in which the revocation of the authorization must be provided.

The Originator (Merchant) must have the following verbiage (or substantially similar) on the written authorization form:

By signing below, I authorize the Merchant to convert this transaction into an Electronic Funds Transfer transaction or paper draft, and to debit this account for the amount as identified above and to the terms stated here. This authorization shall remain in effect until the Merchant receives written notification from me of intent to terminate at such time and in such manner as to afford the Merchant a reasonable opportunity to act. I authorize this plan to continue as long as the payment amount remains unchanged until the amount owed the Merchant is paid off, or unless the plan is terminated earlier by me as stated above. I understand that all changes such as payment amount, frequency, bank account number change, will require a new ACH Debit Payment Authorization Form to be filled out and submitted to Merchant 15 days prior to any change being implemented.
In the event that I choose to revoke this authorization, I will do so by contacting the merchant directly. Processing times may not allow for revocation of this authorization.
I understand that this payment plan may be cancelled by the Merchant due to NSF (Non-sufficient Funds). In the event this draft or EFT is returned unpaid, I will be liable to pay an NSF fee of $25.00 (or the amount allowable by law), that may be automatically debited to this bank account via draft or EFT for each NSF.

Authorization Page - CCD

CCD is for Corporate Credit or Debit entries on business bank accounts in which the Receiver is required to complete a written authorization form, contract, or agreement that with the Originator and Receiver have both agreed to be bound by the ACH Rules and the Receiver must provide physical or digital signature. Digital signatures must be compliant with the ESign Act.

Additionally, the authorization must provide the Receiver with the method to revoke his authorization by notifying the Originator in the manner prescribed, and the time frame in which the revocation of the authorization must be provided.

The Originator (Merchant) must have the following verbiage (or substantially similar) listed on the written authorization form, contract, or agreement:

Submission of this transaction assumes an agreement is in place between both parties to allow converting this transaction into an Electronic Funds Transfer transaction or paper draft, and to debit this account for the amount of the transaction. Additionally, the agreement further states that in the event this draft or EFT is returned unpaid, a service fee, as allowable by law, will be charged to this account via draft or EFT. In the event you choose to revoke this authorization, please do so by contacting the merchant directly. Please note that processing times may not allow for revocation of this authorization.

Authorization Page - WEB

For internet initiated (WEB) entries the receiver must have the following verbiage (or substantially similar) text listed on the authorization page of their site. Additionally, the authorization must provide the Receiver with the method to revoke his authorization by notifying the Originator in the manner prescribed, and the time frame in which the revocation of the authorization must be provided.

By authorizing this transaction, customer agrees that merchant may convert this transaction into an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) transaction or paper draft, and to debit this account for the amount of the transaction. Additionally, in the event this draft or EFT is returned unpaid, a service fee, as allowable by law, will be charged to this account via EFT or draft. In the event you choose to revoke this authorization, please do so by contacting the merchant directly. Please note that processing times may not allow for revocation of this authorization.

Merchant or Integrator is required to use commercially reasonable methods to authenticate customer identity PRIOR to transaction authorization. Possible methods to authenticate:

  • Shared Secrets
    • PIN
    • Password
  • Request identifying customer information to verify against outsourced databases.
  • Ask challenge questions to verify against credit bureau or outsourced databases.
  • Sending customer a specific piece of information, either online or offline, and then ask customer to verify or provide that information as a second step in the authentication process.

Merchant or Integrator is required to retain the customers’ original authorization or copy of the original authorization in its original form.

Merchant or Integrator MUST be able to reproduce Customer authorization upon request. Industry best practice for reproduction to appear the same way that website appeared and/or presented to customer on the website at time of authorization including all verbiage and agreement terms provided on the website at time of authorization.

NACHA does not accept proof of an authorization as a list of the data or information captured at time of authorization.
The following information must be included in the authorization record:

  • Consumer IP Address of Origination
  • Consumer Name
  • Consumer Address
  • Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Effective Date
  • Consumer E-mail address (optional; industry recommended best practice)
  • Website where payment was accepted
  • Signifying whether authorization is for a single or recurring/multiple debits, and debit schedule if recurring/multiple
  • Consumer Banking information
  • Statement of how the consumer’s identity was authenticated

Recorded Authorization – TEL

For telephone initiated (TEL) entries the receiver must have the following verbiage (or substantially similar) read and captured on the recorded customer authorization. Additionally, the authorization must provide the Receiver with the method to revoke his authorization by notifying the Originator in the manner prescribed, and the time frame in which the revocation of the authorization must be provided.

(Customer’s First and Last Name), by providing your bank account information and verbal authorization today, (Current Date MM/DD/YY),, you are authorizing (Business Name)to create an ACH debit to your account and that this Check by Phone may be drafted from your account as early as today. In the event your Check by Phone is returned from your bank unpaid, you further agree that a fee of $25.00 or as allowable by law shall also be charged to your account via draft or ACH debit. Do you authorize (Business Name) to proceed with this Check by Phone? Customer must state “Yes” or “No”.
A Check by Phone will be drafted from your bank account with the following information (Bank Routing Number, Account Number, Check Number, and Check by Phone Amount). Please allow 12 to 72 business hours for this transaction to post to your account. Should you have any questions regarding your payment, or choose to revoke your authorization, you may reach our office at (Business Telephone that is answered during normal business hours).. Be advised that depending on the timing of your scheduled ACH, revocation of the authorization may not be available.

Receipt Authorization – POP

For point-of-purchase (POP) single debit entries the receiver must receive a copy of the receipt and the voided check. The receipt provided to the receiver must contain the following for each of the transaction types below.

  • Approved Sale or Override:
    • Footer Text: “I authorize the merchant to convert my check to an electronic funds transfer, or paper draft, and debit my account for the amount of the transaction. In the event that my draft or EFT is returned unpaid, I agree that a fee of $25 (or as allowed by law) may be charged to my account via draft or EFT .”
    • Signature Line: Yes
  • Verification Only:
    • Footer Text: “Must retain check for deposit.”
    • Signature Line: No
  • Decline:
    • Footer Text: None
    • Signature Line: No
  • Void:
    • Footer Text: None
    • Signature Line: No


Additional Endpoint Actions

Depending on your ACH processor, there are additional actions that can be performed.  The table below describes these additional actions as well as the corresponding SEC codes they can be used with.

Note: It is important to note that for the "Payroll" action, an additional field "ach_identifier" must be provided in the POST with value of "P".

Action Identifier PPD CCD WEB TEL POP C21 Description
Payroll P         This is used in schemas for POP and Check 21 for business and payroll checks. What this does is NOT link the driver’s license to the routing/account numbers since the person writing/cashing the check is usually not the business.
Override         This is used in schemas for POP, TEL, and Check 21 when the host system receives a manager needed message to void the previous transaction and input a new transaction in its place.
Update           This is used in schemas for POP and Check 21 for OCR transactions that already have complete data in the data packet. It forces the transaction to run as a normal POP or Check 21 transaction on an OCR terminal. This is normally done when a change is needed to a transaction that was submitted under a normal OCR transaction.


Performing a Payroll Transaction

In the example below we will demonstrate how the Payroll (P) ACH identifier can be used.

POST /v2/transactions

  "transaction": {
    "action": "debit",
    "payment_method": "ach",
    "ach_identifier": "P", // Notice the "P" identifier being used here
    "transaction_amount": "777777.07",
    "location_api_id": "location_api_id_zach_@#$%",
    "product_transaction_id": "11e8c590bb25026ea3f31cf6",
    "ach_sec_code": "C21",
    "account_holder_name": "trx+C21@1612 (1616/)-trx",
    "check_number": "8520748520963",
    "account_type": "checking",
    "account_number": "24345",
    "routing": "051904524",
    "image_front": "U29tZVN0cmluZ09idmlvdXNseU5vdEJhc2U2NEVuY29kZWQ=",
    "image_back": "U29tZVN0cmluZ09idmlvdXNseU5vdEJhc2U2NEVuY29kZWQ=",
    "billing_zip": "58469",
    "billing_street": "1612-1616*street",
    "billing_city": "1612-34645656city",
    "billing_state": "VI",
    "billing_phone": "7894561230",
    "track_data": "T051904524T 741025349520O 8520748520963",
    "dob_year": "2000",
    "ssn4": "8527"


Performing an Override

If the API responds with "Manager Approval Needed" message, an override transaction will also need to be created.

POST /v2/transactions/{id}/override

    // Nothing Needed Here - Empty Payload


Performing an Update

If for whatever reason the track data or transaction amount need to be changed for a transaction, this can be acheived by performaning an Update.

  • Updates can only be made in the same calendar day.
  • You will need to Void the original transaction (manually) and then POST the update.  
  • If the original transaction cannot be Voided, you must perform a Refund on the original transaction and then perform a new POST (not an update) to /v2/transactions.

POST /v2/transactions/{id}/achupdate

    "transaction": {
        "track_data": "T211287447T 234565432678O 4567890234567",
        "trnsaction_amount": "34.09"



While Expands will provide extra data, you can use filters to limit record results. Most fields listed in the fields section can be used to filter results.

Say, for example, that you only wanted to find transactions where the last four digits of the card were 1234. You could include that filter in the URL of the GET request like so:


Most of the filters use a “like” or “similar to” filter. so filtering on account_holder_name of “smith” would return records containing “john smith” and “jane smith”. Here is another example that filter records that are approved (auth and sale) and are also card type visa:


One additional type of filter can be applied to the dollar amount fields. This filter allows for a range of values to be searched. If you would like to search for a dollar amount within a range, a pipe symbol is used. Here is an example of this type of filter:


The above filter will limit results to transaction_amount between $10.00 and $10.99 inclusive.

There is additional functionality that allows searching and filtering on timestamp fields. If you are looking for transaction from today, you can simply search on the created_ts field as follows:


And for yesterday you could do the following:


If you need more flexibility on dates, you can set the timestamp filter to custom and supply a custom from and to date like so:


When searching on timestamp fields, the list below contains all the predefined values that can be used:

  • today
  • yesterday
  • this week
  • last week
  • last 30 days
  • this month
  • last month
  • custom


For detail on how to use Expands on an Endpoint, please visit the Expands (Related Records) page.

Filter Name Related Record
account_vault Account Vault
changelogs Change Logs
contact Contact
created_user Created User
entrymode Entrymode
is_completable Is Completable
is_refundable Is Refundable
is_reversible Is Reversible
is_settled Is Settled
is_voidable Is Voidable
location Location
product_transaction Product Transaction
quick_invoice Quick Invoice
reason_code Reason Code
recurring Recurring
signature Signature
status Status
surcharge Surcharge
surcharge_transaction Surcharge Transaction
tags Tags
transaction_histories Transaction Histories
type Type

An example of “expanding” this endpoint to one of the above related records would look like this:


To use multiple expands on this endpoint, simply include them both separated by a comma like so:


Example: Contact Expand

GET /v2/transactions?expand=contact

    // Empty Payload - Nothing Needed Here
    "transactions": [
            "id": "11e524ba26ba663e90bd08b9",
            "payment_method": "cc",
            "account_vault_id": "11e524ba1d257faabcef2de8",
            "recurring_id": null,
            "first_six": "545454",
            "last_four": "5454",
            "account_holder_name": "Account Test",
            "transaction_amount": "1.76",
            "description": null,
            "transaction_code": null,
            "avs": "BAD",
            "batch": "55",
            "order_num": "519321833452",
            "verbiage": "APPROVED",
            "transaction_settlement_status": null,
            "effective_date": null,
            "routing": null,
            "return_date": null,
            "created_ts": 1436281763,
            "modified_ts": 1436281763,
            "transaction_api_id": null,
            "terms_agree": null,
            "notification_email_address": null,
            "notification_email_sent": false,
            "response_message": null,
            "auth_amount": "1.76",
            "auth_code": "017423",
            "status_id": 101,
            "type_id": 20,
            "location_id": "54bf4618-e41b-e5f6-dfe0-0efdcbc92917",
            "reason_code_id": null,
            "contact_id": "11e524ba1a381ef6bc510b38",
            "billing_zip": null,
            "billing_street": null,
            "settle_date": null,
            "charge_back_date": null,
            "void_date": null,
            "account_type": "mc",
            "is_recurring": false,
            "is_accountvault": true,
            "transaction_c1": null,
            "transaction_c2": null,
            "transaction_c3": null,
            "checkin_date": null,
            "checkout_date": null,
            "room_num": null,
            "room_rate": null,
            "advance_deposit": false,
            "no_show": false,
            "contact": {
                "id": "11e524ba1a381ef6bc510b38",
                "location_id": "54bf4618-e41b-e5f6-dfe0-0efdcbc92917",
                "account_number": "0123456789",
                "contact_api_id": "akprk3gOLU TEST",
                "company_name": "OLU test",
                "first_name": "Minnie",
                "last_name": "Mouser",
                "email": "",
                "address": "41700 Garden brook",
                "city": "Novi",
                "zip": "452321",
                "home_phone": "1234567899",
                "cell_phone": "9862541789",
                "office_phone": "7895561120",
                "office_ext_phone": "1597536481",
                "email_trx_receipt": true,
                "created_ts": 1436281742,
                "modified_ts": 1436281742,
                "date_of_birth": "1990-05-15",
                "header_message": "Welcome",
                "header_message_type_id": 0,
                "contact_c1": null,
                "contact_c2": null,
                "contact_c3": null,
                "contact_balance": null,
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": ""
            "id": "11e524ba25084e28a3d0d6de",
            "payment_method": "cc",
            "account_vault_id": "11e524ba1d257faabcef2de8",
            "recurring_id": null,
            "first_six": "545454",
            "last_four": "5454",
            "account_holder_name": "Account Test",
            "transaction_amount": "1.76",
            "description": null,
            "transaction_code": null,
            "avs": "BAD",
            "batch": "55",
            "order_num": "450703071701",
            "verbiage": "APPROVED",
            "transaction_settlement_status": null,
            "effective_date": null,
            "routing": null,
            "return_date": null,
            "created_ts": 1436281760,
            "modified_ts": 1436281760,
            "transaction_api_id": null,
            "terms_agree": null,
            "notification_email_address": null,
            "notification_email_sent": false,
            "response_message": null,
            "auth_amount": "1.76",
            "auth_code": "288396",
            "status_id": 101,
            "type_id": 20,
            "location_id": "54bf4618-e41b-e5f6-dfe0-0efdcbc92917",
            "reason_code_id": null,
            "contact_id": "11e524ba1a381ef6bc510b38",
            "billing_zip": null,
            "billing_street": null,
            "settle_date": null,
            "charge_back_date": null,
            "void_date": null,
            "account_type": "mc",
            "is_recurring": false,
            "is_accountvault": true,
            "transaction_c1": null,
            "transaction_c2": null,
            "transaction_c3": null,
            "checkin_date": null,
            "checkout_date": null,
            "room_num": null,
            "room_rate": null,
            "advance_deposit": false,
            "no_show": false,
            "contact": {
                "id": "11e524ba1a381ef6bc510b38",
                "location_id": "54bf4618-e41b-e5f6-dfe0-0efdcbc92917",
                "account_number": "0123456789",
                "contact_api_id": "akprk3gOLU TEST",
                "company_name": "OLU test",
                "first_name": "Minnie",
                "last_name": "Mouser",
                "email": "",
                "address": "41700 Garden brook",
                "city": "Novi",
                "zip": "452321",
                "home_phone": "1234567899",
                "cell_phone": "9862541789",
                "office_phone": "7895561120",
                "office_ext_phone": "1597536481",
                "email_trx_receipt": true,
                "created_ts": 1436281742,
                "modified_ts": 1436281742,
                "date_of_birth": "1990-05-15",
                "header_message": "Welcome",
                "header_message_type_id": 0,
                "contact_c1": null,
                "contact_c2": null,
                "contact_c3": null,
                "contact_balance": null,
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": ""
                "surcharge": {
                "run_as_separate_transaction": false,
                "max_transaction_amount": "100",
                "min_fee_amount": "1",
                "max_fee_amount": "100",
                "surcharge_on_recurring": true,
                "refund_surcharges": false,
                "surcharge_label": "100",
                "title": "Zeamster",
                "surcharge_fee": "1",
                "surcharge_rate": "1",
                "apply_to_user_type_id": "100",
                "id": "11e524ba2db24f60b61bb5f8",
                "created_user_id": "54bfe8cd-6c79-2d76-dfe0-0eddae8fdb72",
                "modified_user_id": "54bfe8cd-6c79-2d76-dfe0-0eddae8fdb72",
                "created_ts": 1436281775,
                "modified_ts": 1436281775,
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""


Type ID Details

The type_id field details what type of transaction was run. This is a read only field that is returned after the transaction has been processed.

type_id Indicates
20 Sale
21 AVS Only
22 Settle (depracated - batches are now settled on the /v2/transactionbatches endpoint)
30 Refund
40 Credit
50 Debit


Status ID Details

The status_id field details the current status of the transaction. This is a read only field that is returned after the transaction has been processed.

Status Id Transaction Type Description
101 Sale Approved
102 Sale AuthOnly
111 Refund Refunded
121 Credit/Debit/Refund AvsOnly
131 Credit/Debit/Refund Pending Origination
132 Credit/Debit/Refund Originating
133 Credit/Debit/Refund Originated
134 Credit/Debit/Refund Settled
135 Debit Reserved
136 Debit Rejected
191 Settle Settled (depracated - batches are now settled on the /v2/transactionbatches endpoint)
201 All Voided
301 All Declined
331 Credit/Debit/Refund Charged Back


Transaction Source ID Details

The trx_source_id field details the way in which the transaction originated. This is a read only field that is returned when the transaction is processed. There are certain cases in which the field can be overwritten.

Source Id Source Type Description
1 Unknown The orignation of this transaction could not be determined.
2 Mobile The origination of this transaction is through the mobile application. This is always a merchant submitted payment.
3 Web The origination of this transaction is through a web browser. This is always a merchant submitted payment. Examples include Virtual Terminal, Contact Charge, and Transaction Details - Run Again pages.
4 IVR Transaction The origination of this transaction is over the phone. This payment is submitted by an automated system initiated by the cardholder.
5 Contact Statement The orignation of this transaction is through a Vericle statement.
6 Contact Payment Mobile The origination of this transaction is through the mobile application. This is always submitted by a contact user. 
7 Contact Payment The origination of this transaction is through a web browser. This is always submitted by a contact user.
8 Quick Invoice The orignation of this transaction is through a Quick Invoice. This is typically submitted by a contact user, however the transaction can also be submitted by a merchant.
9 Payform The origination of this transaction is through a Payform. This is typically a merchant submitted transaction, and is always from an internal developer. 
10 Hosted Payment Page The orignation of this transaction is through a Hosted Payment Page. This is typically a cardholder submitted transaction.
11 Emulator The origination of this transaction is through Auth.Net emulator. This is typically submitted through an integration to a website or a shopping cart.
12 Integration The orignation of this transaction is through an integrated solution. This will always be from an external developer.
13 Recurring Billing The orignation of this transaction is through a scheduled recurring payment. This payment is system-initiated based on a payment schedule that has been configured.
14 Recurring Secondary This feature has not been implented yet.
15 Declined Recurring Email The orignation of this transaction is through the email notification sent when a recurring payment has been declined. This is typically submitted by a cardholder.


Entry Modes

Each transaction will contain an entry mode that details how the account number was acquired. The transaction response will contain an entry_mode_id that can be mapped using the following table.

ID Title
B Bar Code (Future placeholder)
S Swiped
K Keyed
C Chip Card Read (ICC)
P Proximity (Contactless)
F Fallback (Invalid Chip Read)


CVV Response Codes

Transactions will return a cvv_response field that may or may not always be populated, depending on whether or not CVV was checked for a transaction. If the cvv_response field is populated, it will contain one of the following values:

CVV Response Description
  Blank value means CVV was not submitted for transaction
M Match
N No Match
P Not Processed
S Unreadable
U Unknown, Issuer does not participate
X Service Provider did not respond


AVS Response Codes

Basic AVS Response Codes

In the response above you will notice that there is an "avs" field.  This field will hold the Basic AVS result.  The possible values and their descriptions can be seen in the following table:

Value Description
GOOD Street or zip are both good (if provided)
BAD Both street and zip do not match
STREET Street does not match
ZIP Zip does not match


Enhanced AVS Response Codes

In the response above you will notice that there is an "avs_enhanced" field.  This field can be used to provide additional information about the AVS result.  The table below outlines the possible values and their descriptions:

Code Description
A Street address matches, Zip does not.
B Street addresses match. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (international issuer)
C Street address and Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats.
D Cardholder name incorrect, address and ZIP match (AMEX only).
E AVS error.
F Street addresses and postal codes match (UK only).
G Card issued by a non-US issuer that does not participate in the AVS System.
H Cardholder name incorrect, address match (AMEX only).
I Address information not verified (international issuer).
J Cardholder name incorrect, ZIP match (AMEX only).
K Cardholder name match (AMEX only).
L Cardholder name and ZIP match (AMEX only).
M Street Address and Postal code match (international issuer).
N No Match on Street address or Zip.
O Cardholder name and address match (AMEX only).
P Postal codes match, Street address not verified due to incompatible formats.
Q Cardholder name, address, and ZIP match (AMEX only).
R Retry: System unavailable or Timed out.
S Service not supported.
T Cardholder, all do not match (AMEX only).
U Address information is unavailable.
V Address verification was not requested.
W Nine character numeric ZIP match only, Address (Street) does not match.
X Exact: Address and 9-digit ZIP Match; For address outside the U.S., postal code matches, address does not match.
Y Exact match, five character numeric ZIP.
Z Five character numeric ZIP match only, street address does not match or street address not included in request.


Reason Code Details

For a full list of all the possible reason codes that can be returned from the transaction endpoint, please see the Response Reason Codes page.


Encryption Examples

The examples below show what some of the different types of enryption look like. The transactions endpoint accepts these different types of enryption as described in the e_format field when submitting a transaction.

Format Example
Magnasafe %*5428********0254^YOU/A GIFT FOR^*******************************?*;5428********0254=********************?*|1|41110C1670EC146DC3970151CE0BC0385CD59CA04D798B9D325A3638237240B35DA7309EEBF35CC9CAC92AB6B3CC5BBCB542CE2075094542393CA4A7EF1320E094EA5A1A1829D619|208540237170186B1A2E0DC26CFA29B42CEE62DA313C6EFCD11227456599FBBAFAA8C64311B296D8|1|1|1|1|1|62994900730004200002
idtech 02BD01801F432800039B%*5428********0254^YOU/A GIFT FOR^*******************************?*;5428********0254=********************?*11B25549D1CCD691EC3061E18D673F06689B6A778B8EA8329B3D54C2AB9D7C13DCBBFA52C32BC677433B9FE645DFFCB75A5436DF46E45552EE60DDB582757C73CE6F20F262DE2B9D02AEF88E39C7C22FD64D97A76A82DA6E885AA58BCB11218675ECB88D7FA521258A72293D8C7521054EAA426941F43C98573456204A48E08B40853A0701F062422FE5656423AFA9F3011E17E8101FB9396299490073000420000232B603
ksn %*5428********0254^YOU/A GIFT FOR^*******************************?*;5428********0254=********************?*|11B25549D1CCD691EC3061E18D673F06689B6A778B8EA8329B3D54C2AB9D7C13DCBBFA52C32BC677433B9FE645DFFCB75A5436DF46E45552EE60DDB582757C73CE6F20F262DE2B9D|02AEF88E39C7C22FD64D97A76A82DA6E885AA58BCB11218675ECB88D7FA521258A72293D8C752105
ksnpin %*5428********0254^YOU/A GIFT FOR^*******************************?*;5428********0254=********************?*|41110C1670EC146DC3970151CE0BC0385CD59CA04D798B9D325A3638237240B35DA7309EEBF35CC9CAC92AB6B3CC5BBCB542CE2075094542393CA4A7EF1320E094EA5A1A1829D619|208540237170186B1A2E0DC26CFA29B42CEE62DA313C6EFCD11227456599FBBAFAA8C64311B296D8